Thursday, March 31, 2011

This is week #1

I just remembered...just now...that this is week #1 of my base training. "Pre" base training is, as of Monday, over. What does this mean? I will be running/working out e v e r y  d a y (except Fridays) until October 9th.


Yesterday I decided to make an appearance at the Y...soooo not a good idea. That place was so stinkin' hot...and I mean STINKIN' HOT. The guy on the treadmill next to me literally smelled as though he was wearing clothes that had been soaked in swamp water, balled up in a musty heap and thrown on the floor to dry, then once dried he put it back on to add his sweat to the wonderful mix of smells. I did a little celebratory dance in my head when he left his post.
Sadly, I forgot my IPOD at home and it took all I had to squeeze out any energy for a sufficient workout. Because of this I was unwillingly exposed to the audio world of the gym...dude huffing and hacking across the room...someone pummeling the life out of their weight machine...the lady on the other side of me carrying on a conversation with her bestest BFF on her cell, "I know RIGHT?! I mean, who would DO such a thing?! That girl is such a _______." Color. So much color at that gym.


Today I am tired... and looking forward to tomorrows rest day. I ran 2 miles this morning and his time it was light enough that I didn't even need my headlamp and I almost didn't need a jacket. Even though it's been super windy and sometimes rainy, the temperature sure was mild and comfortable.


Marissa was right. I wore those darned Teva's to Bible study on Tuesday. I literally put them on, walked straight to my car, drove, got out and walked straight into Tia's house, took them off and did the same routine on the way home. THAT WAS IT. Marissa lovingly reminded me that those shoes don't work for me and I explained that I thought the short timeframe sould be fine. NOPE. My feet hurt again...thankfully not as bad. Thinkin' the Teva's need a new set of feet to call home.

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