Thursday, March 17, 2011


"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins."

-Benjamin Franklin

I have a passion...and for some reason today, I'm refusing to let 'reason' hold the reins. Actually, I refused last night. I felt lazy and uninspired to go to the gym and get my tiny 1.5 miles in with strength exercises. I don't know if it is due to the stresses at work and being mentally shot by the time 5 o'clock rolls around or if it's just 'one of those days' but it was really difficult.

Last night before bed I was excited for my morning run around a 2 mile loop in Browne's Addition and head to work all fresh and peppy. But the morning came around and not only was I still mentally shot, but physically...dead. My legs felt as though they were made of lead and all excitement was nowhere to be found. 7 o'clock rolled around and I finally got the guts to throw my shoes on, convincing myself that I'll feel better about going out and at least trying. I made it 4 stupid blocks before my suddenly sore ankle got the best of me. But not all was lost. I decided to walk at least one of those two loops so I could say I did something. (after note: I spoke with my inspiration, Kathi, and she told me this was good...that even a 5 mile race like the St. Paddy's will be enough to make me sluggish from the buildup of lactic acid in my muscles....ooooh, k makes sense and makes me feel better!)

The air was brisk and clean feeling, the sun was just coming up (thanks to the recent daylight savings thing we do) and I felt a calming quietness inside my tired self. I was quickly remembering why morning workouts were so great...and when I came to work (I was not excited about being there due to recent events), I read an email from about the reasons to work out in the morning that ended up squashing all of my reasons to not:

5 Reasons to Work Out in the Morning
*The bonus of the morning plan: Our workouts rarely get bumped. Also, people who work out in the mornings are more likely to make exercise a habit. not convinced? Here are five more reasons to work out in the a.m.
One Shower
Work out before you get all fancy for the day and you don't have to go through the whole shower/dry hair/moisturize routine on your lunch hour or later. It saves time, water and energy. (wow, who new a.m. workouts could be 'green' too?)
The Best Parties Aren't Breakfast Parties
You're less likely to scrap your workout for the can't-miss-get-together with friends if you work out at daybreak.
Accomplishment is a Beautiful Thing
As everyone else stumbles to the bus stop or the office, you're flying. Not only did your workout get your energy up in a way coffee just can't, but you are d-o-n-e! It's a great feeling to have one "to-do" completely nixed when most people are still figuring out what's on their lists for the day. (glorious-ness, huh?)
Less Hassle, More Joy
Mornings have less traffic, as well as less heat and humidity in the summer. Enjoy the fresh morning sounds and smells. ( yes, and yes.)
There is Nothing Like Morning Sunshine
Just as the days are getting longer. What a way to start the day! (with a dash of prayer and God-time...I couldn't agree more!)

Now, if I could just figure out how to not let the stresses of the day affect me to the point of choosing the couch and a bag of potato chips over a workout...

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