Thursday, March 24, 2011

gimme some words!

Everyone needs some words of encouragement for motivation at some point. I’ve learned that I need motivation nearly every single day.  If I want to stay focused and achieve rockstar status, I need daily motivation.  Sometimes, it’s found by looking at and reading up on articles and magazines (like Runners World and the like) or sometimes I'm driven by the pure desire to just be outside.  It’s always nice to have a running quote to go to that will  either make me laugh or make me want to lace up my beloved Brooks and hit the pavement.  I have signed up for daily inspirational running quotes from I've listed my favorites below for no real reason but to one day have something to come back to. If boredom creeps in, keep reading. There's a kick in the pants in the form of ideas for signage at races and runs to follow these quotes. Quite comical, really!

I don't think jogging is healthy, especially morning jogging.  If morning joggers knew how tempting they looked to morning motorists, they would stay home and do sit-ups.  ~Rita Rudner

To a runner, a side stich is like a car alarm.  It signifies something is wrong, but you ignore it until it goes away.  ~Author Unknown

If God invented marathons to keep people from doing anything more stupid, the triathlon must have taken Him completely by surprise.  ~P.Z. Pearce

"No doubt a brain and some shoes are essential for marathon success, although if it comes down to a choice, pick the shoes. More people finish marathons with no brains than with no shoes." - Don Kardong (quite possibly my favorite quote this time around)

"Your body will argue that there is no justifiable reason to continue. Your only recourse is to call on your spirit, which fortunately functions independently of logic." - Tim Noakes

"Aspire to be great instead of good, aspire to be remembered instead of forgotten, aspire to accompish what others have and have not done, aspire to be yourself and nothing else for when you strive to be yourself everything is limitless because you are not holding yourself to the limits of others." - Troy Streacker

"Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it." - Oprah Winfrey (and sometimes crap just happens that you have no control over...yup.)

It's the one thing that's mine. My runs everyday are my thing. It's my therapy, my hour to myself. Nobody can really take it away from me... It's such a huge part of me. I love to say that I'm a runner.
Summer Sanders, Olympic gold-medalist in swimming

When you put yourself on the line in a race and expose yourself to the unknown, you learn things about yourself that are very exciting. -Doris Brown Heritage, Five-time World Cross-Country Champ

Whenever you have any bump in the road, whether it's two weeks or two years, there are so many naysayers. Let it fuel you. Don't take it personally. Go out and prove them wrong.
Jenny (Barringer) Simpson, Olympian and American recordholder in the steeplechase

Every day gives you an opportunity to improve. With every run, you can try to be better. Not just a better runner, but a better person. -John "The Penguin" Bingham, The Courage to Start

Think positive. You are a special person. Reward yourself with self-praise as you achieve each interim goal en route to the marathon. -Hal Higdon, Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide
(good reminder!)

The more you frame the marathon as a stressful experience, the more negative messages you'll receive. But it's just as easy to frame it as a positively challenging journey. -Jeff Galloway, Marathon

The challenge of a significant physical journey on foot unleashes some primitive connections to our identity as human beings. -Jeff Galloway, Marathon

The race, the marathon, is a renewal of belief in one's self and the ultimate expression of confidence that you have created the foundation that enables you to go the distance.
Dolores E. Cross, Breaking Through the Wall

The challenge in running is not to aim at doing the things no one else has done, but to keep doing things anyone could do—but most never will. -Joe Henderson in The Complete Book of Running (hmmm...intriguing thought, isn't it?)

Running is essentially private and, if you like, selfish, and all the more valuable for being so.
Roger Robinson, Heroes and Sparrows: A Celebration of Running
 ( won't lie, I kinda like the idea of being selfish and private in some of my runs...mine!)

The faster you run.  The sooner you’re done.

Sorry, I’ve got to run. Pun intended. (haha! I'll have to remember this one.)

And for the signage..... 
Marathon runners love to read signs along the race course to help break the monotony. If you're planning on watching a marathon or any run or race for that matter, make some signs -– the runners will love you for it. Funny spectator signs are always a good distraction. Here are some ideas:
        "In our minds, you're all Kenyans."
        "Your feet hurt because you are kicking so much butt!"
       "Your legs will forgive you...eventually."
       "Don't stop -- people are watching."
      "That's not sweat, it's your fat cells crying."
       "If it was easy, I would do it."
       "Run like you stole something."
      "This is easier than labor and delivery."
       "You're not slow. You're just enjoying the course."
        "Stop reading this and keep running!
      “Beat Oprah!"
       "Puke and rally!"
      "Don't worry, toenails are overrated."
     "Run like someone's chasing you."
      "It'll feel better when it stops hurting."
      "Mortuary ahead....look alive!"
      "If I ran it, by God, you can, too."
     "Chuck Norris never ran a marathon." 
    "Staying up all night making this sign was hard too."
   "You are NOT almost there." (seen at mile 1) 
     "The end is near." (Sign held by man dressed as the Grim Reaper at mile 21 of the 2010 Marine Corps Marathon, which was on Halloween)

If anyone holds signs for me, I'm thanking them in advance. "Thank you"

"Girl please!  My mascara runs faster than you do."

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