Sunday, March 20, 2011


"I always feeeeel liiike somebody's waaatching meeeee" ~Rockwell, R&B artist, 1984

Hiking up your running pants, in the middle of the Browne's neighborhood, to the point that there is no possible way you could get them up any further and then wrestling with the drawstring only to look up and find you have an audience perched on the balcony across the street...oh happy Sunday Run Day.
The thing that makes me feel safe while living in Browne's Addition is that virtually no matter the time of day, someone is always watching. Now this sounds creepy and I don't mean it to be. What I mean is, people are always out and about either heading to the Elk/Tulley's turnabout or walking their dogs to and fro so if something were to happen (ie, accident/stalker etc) someone should, hopefully, be available to help or be an eyewitness. But the fact is, someone will also always be watching when you're doing something stupid or embarrassing. Today's blunder is not too much of an issue in my eyes but it makes me nervous for the future when I forget again that someone is always watching.
Today's run, the actual running part, was difficult for the first 10 minutes. It seems to be getting that way more often. I struggle with my ankle the most during this time and it nearly defeats me. But, after that initial warm-up period I feel like I run like a gold medalist...though I'm sure I don't resemble one...which is why running outside with no mirrors is preferable but that's another rant. It took me 12:28 to run my first mile because of stopping to stretch my right shin and shake out my right ankle 3 separate times. I was getting frustrated and seriously considered turning around and walking home. But then something miraculous happened. The discomfort disappeared. I don't want to say that this issue is painful because it is not. It is uncomfortable and I could certainly keep going if I had/needed to. So I did. Because I do. And I hope that when I come to making the decision to quit and walk home or keep going, I remember days like today when I chose to keep going and succeeded. My return mile home was completed in 10:26.
It was a successful Sunday Run Day.

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