Thursday, March 24, 2011

such a pain in the....

...foot. Or feet. Depends on the day.
Yesterday's run was...hard. I was an emotional wreck due to I-don't-know-why (it certainly was "one of those days") and I couldn't get my head on straight. Thinking my run would clear me up a bit, I took off...only, within 2 minutes I was in discomfort in my right foot/leg and I couldn't shake it. This was disappointing to me because I had spent the last 2 days off of my feet due to discomfort in my LEFT foot from what I thought was bad support from a favorite pair of Teva's. That left foot pain is now only residual and barely noticable and I'm thankful, but this new thing in my right foot is frustrating. I thought I'd 'walk it off' and once it died down, I'd take off running again. But the walk didn't change things. So I stopped to stretch and I felt a tightness that I've never felt before spanning from the top of my foot up through my shins. There is not a single pain/discomfort so far that has been eased by touch/massage. I've only found it by stretching and contorting my joints in directions I'd never thought of. I know stretching is important and I love it so much but when time is limited, stretching is the first to go. This is an unfortunate thing.

In addition to all the above, yesterday was the kind of day all guys run from. I was, by my definition enraged, saddened, defeated, unlovely, large and 'alone'. Feeling all those scary thoughts at one time almost always means one thing...dun dun dun....PMS! Fawesome.

This reality presented itself with a frustrating issue. My mind knows something that my heart refuses to acknowledge because my heart does not want to hurt my feelings. Oh what a nice heart I have! I have to come to grips with the fact that I might not be able to run free of pain/discomfort due to my --ahem-- "extra baggage". Aside from the discomfort I felt yesterday, I felt as though I was carrying a large bag of rocks. I was not smooth or rhythmic. My breathing was off. My legs like lead. Combine this with the afore mentioned emotional rampage and you have "I'M TOO FAAAAAT TO DOOOO THIIIIS!" And the 'poor me'-ness ensued. (Sorry if you didn't get an invite to the pity's all about me so why invite others, right? But they say 'misery loves company'...dang it, I'm so confused...which is right on par, I think.)

So this morning when I woke before (yes, before) the crack of dawn to run my run, I was met with a few decisions and/or distractions. Did I want to face the possibility of the same disheartening run as yesterday? Did I want to run in the dark, in Browne's Addition, alone? Did I have the energy and gusto? With a deep sigh and the verbal push from Bobby, Yes, Yes and Yes. I pulled on my brighter-than-neon yellow jacket, strapped on my headlamp and for the sake of safety, left my IPOD at home. I took off into the night er, morning to find myself not alone in the dark after all. I was accompanied by two other runners in my general vicinity nearly the entire time. I ran a 10 minute mile and the pain I felt yesterday, while still present, was not as terrible. I did make sure I stretched like a mad dog though...and it felt amazing! All in all, it was successful and I felt redeemed...well, until I found out I was scheduled to do TWO miles and not one. oops.

“Burning desire to be or do something gives us staying power - a reason to get up every morning or to pick ourselves up and start in again after a disappointment"

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