Sunday, March 13, 2011

St. Paddy's 5

I tossed and turned all night last night because I was afraid I'd miss out on the St. Paddy's run with Ali due to Daylight Savings. I'm never confident that I have it right when I go to bed the night before. Luckily, Bobby created a back-up system with his watch to make sure I was awake and ready to go on time. That made me smile.

I woke this morning with a worry in my head that I wouldn't/shouldn't be running 5 miles right now. I'm only at 2 miles for my longest run in my pre base training...would I excel?


All of the run was done at conversation pace with Ali. We chatted about everything...from babies and puppies to the length of our fingernails. I felt good the entire time. I was also worried that the time I spent at the gym yesterday (1 hour on elliptical/treadmills and 1 hour Zumba) combined with the loss in that one hour would kill my lungs/legs/endurance. But I have to say, once I crossed that finish line at 56:??, I was instantly pleased! I mean, we ran approximately 11 min/miles while having a conversation. Awesome! Go us, right?

So the only thing I need to figure out asap would be food. What could/should I eat so that my stomach doesn't retaliate after my workouts/races? I don't even know where to start. But I did have a conversation with Bobby regarding the unpleasantries that abound after a race...chaffing...stomach/bowel issues...not the best conversation to have if you're trying to be attractive to someone. (Good thing we're married!!!) His response? "I think I know what it is your stomach doesn't like...RUNNING". Haha...I married a comedian. But I love him and I loved that comeback.

All in all, today was/is a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Ladies! I just got back from my run today and was reminded to pray the entire time, thanks to you!
