Sunday, March 6, 2011

TV or no TV?

If you're going to run on a treadmill equipped with a TV, you might as well turn the TV on, right?
This was my dilemma yesterday. My calendar informed me that I was to complete only 1 small mile so I thought maybe I'd go in earlier than my 9:30 Zumba time to conveniently get that mile in before class. Unfortunately, this meant I had a high probability of scoring an exercise wheel with a TV. Why is this a problem? Well until recently, I hadn't thought it could be. I mean, what better thing is there than taking your mind off of the grueling task of getting fit and losing weight with technology and media?

So there I was, stuck with a TV about three feet from my face wondering what I should do. Should I stare at the reflection of my head bobbing up and down or give in to the gods of media and numb my brain to the signs and signals my body would love to be giving me while running?

Think back with me to the scene in WALL-E. All the humans were so incredibly unfit...sodas in their hands, everything they needed was attainable with the push of a button and a TV within inches of their face.Could this be where we are headed? Since when did convenience and the need to be constantly in the know take a front seat to the enjoyment of being active? And why? This question is the reason why I decided to turn on the ol' boob tube (that's what my mom called it...still don't really know why?) and see what was playing. First of all, I got 3 times more channels on that thing then I do at home. Score: TV 1, sanity 0. I surfed through about half of those channels and found one of two things: kid shows and news. Now, I'm normally ok with either one but I can't listen to nonsense, small people and creepy story lines while running so I turned to the kids channels...same darned thing. Not to mention the negativity that comes from the news these days...why can't the good stuff shine through?! I suppose that's another subject for another day.

I don't really know what good reason there is for a or out of the gym. I guess it doesn't help that I'm not all-together sold on the idea of even owning a TV at home...but again, that's another subject completely.

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