Tuesday, April 12, 2011

first 3 and a singing heart

"At least 99 percent of running is just showing up, getting out there and putting one foot in front of the other."

One thing I have to keep in mind when it's raining outside is, I'M TRAINING FOR A RUN IN PORTLAND which means, I need to get out and run in the rain as much as possible just in case the weather gods decide on a little liquid sunshine for the big day. I'd like to say that my Sunday Runday in the rain was for this specific reason but it was actually due to procrastination. It was nice and sunny in the morning...before life began...at the time that I'm supposed to be running... whatever--I got it done, right?

For this one, I scoped out a run I'd been wanting to do down tree lined streets and around Cannon Hill park. It seemed quiet enough with sidewalks the whole way and grandmas and grandpas out doing yard work here and there. The thing I'd change is the few insanely steep hills along that three miler... luckily they only lasted the span of one block. Other than the fact that this was my first 3 miler on my schedule and that I had completed a new route, nothing was too noteworthy...except that I spied a good friend Nikki driving by while packing up my car to head home. With a quick wave and a smile, she disappeared around the bend. It was a good day!

I'm really, really loving the morning runs. Despite my weekend rants about them, I love them on the weekdays. They get me moving for the day and I'm so glad to know that I have the rest of the day to do whatever because my run is done, hun! This morning I had a 2.5 miler due. Last night when I went to bed, I wasn't sure how motivated I'd be but fortunately for me, my internal clock decided that 4am was a good time to wake up and stay up. Awesome. So it was relatively 'easy' for me to head out the door at 5:30. The best part of this run was not the run itself but the fact that as I walked up our front steps I found Bobby opening the door to welcome me back home. He gave me a quick hug and smooch, prayed over the day with me and took off to work while I took to stretching. THIS was the perfect run. My heart sings!

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