Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Confirmation and things

"Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and celebrate the journey."
-- Fitzhugh Mullan

I received my confirmation email this morning for Bloomsday! I'll be starting in the yellow group again with bib# 4071. I should mention that even though I start in the yellows does not mean I finish in the yellows. What I'm saying is, I get passed by so many folks that start in the colors behind me that I don't understand why I keep getting placed where I do...but I'm okay with it. I'd rather not go 'backwards' in color but I do hope to someday start in the Brown...but in order to do that, I have to either finish this year with a time of less than, I think, 1:13 OR I have to run next year's St. Paddy's in such a way to use my time as a qualifier of sorts. I basically have to have proof that I can run 7 miles in less than 1:13. I really don't think that will happen this year because, as it is, I'm averaging 11 minute miles on my 3 and 4 mile runs...can I keep that pace up for an additional 3 to 4 miles AND maybe faster? I don't mean to be a nay-sayer but HELLLS NO!

But I'll try!!!!

I should also make note of a piece of that confirmation email: "When picking up your race packet this weekend, please go to the check-in table marked Female 29-31 A-K." What? Go where? I never have gone to the 'front of the line'! All my life I've lived at the bottom of alphabetical lists and always stood near the end of the line in elementary school. Except for those random days where the teacher would feel 'spunky' and grant the wishes of all those kids that are last to be first by making the end of the line the new beginning. But of course, it only lasted for a short time and back to the end of the line we went... I thank my handsome hubs for the new status. I am now an A-K and not a Q-Z!

Weather report as of 1:50pm today for Bloomsday: Sunny and 60 degrees. Lets hope it stays that way because I'm not sure I can handle 7 miles of stinging rain like I experienced this morning.
And thanks to the street signs along Riverside this morning announcing the temporary 'NO PARKING ZONE' for reminding me that the run is literally right around the corner!

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