Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Sunday Runday

It fulfills my need to dance. Don't worry, I know the difference between a need and a want and yes, I need to dance. kills my legs for my long runs on Sundays. So I may end up doing some revamping...maybe Zumba on Monday nights and my swim on Saturdays? But then my legs won't get to rest until Friday...which I'm sure isn't a great idea. Sheesh...this is hard when there's something fun I want to do in the middle of all the things I need to do! Don't be confused. I still need to dance, but I want to fit it in with what I need to do for actual training. hmmm... Also, who wouldn't want to continue to do something like this when they start getting compliments from both the instructor and the ladies around them? I'm not bragging but it's really fun when you're told that people watch you when they can't see the's a real compliment! woot!

Easter Sunday Runday
was great! The only 'issue' I ran into was a time crunch (and some soreness from Saturday's Zumba). I needed to fit a 4 mile run in a 40 minute slot...but I'm not running 10 minute miles right now so how is that going to work? Well, lets fudge...I'll just run for 40 minutes then and we'll see how far I go! I figure I still had 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile to go when my time was up...but all I had left was a really big hill so I'm not terribly bummed that I missed it. Just being honest.

A blessing and a potential creep
I realize that as I go further and further I'll be running the Bloomsday course in the mornings. This means running through the notorious West Central Neighborhood early. 'Early' is the time when evening dwellers decide to call it a night...and we cross paths. The first on this run was a gal at the top of the Maple Street Bridge stairway (between College and Broadway). Once I spotted her dark clothing, ripped nylons and hunched body language I had made up my mind that I should take an ear bud out just in case she said something while I passed. My first thought was that maybe she'd have something rude to say...or maybe she'd ask me for money...or both (I've had that happen). But as I approached, she turned and looked at me from under her fringey bleach blond and pink locks with a sort of smile. I said, "Good morning" with as much energy as I could muster between breaths and she responded with a shockingly chipper, "Happy Easter!"
Shortly after, I was huffing it across the Maple Street Bridge. This chunk of sidewalk has the potential for intense creepiness. You're surrounded by a cage protecting you from traffic and the river below but the combination of graffiti and my imagination reminds me that I'm not protected by anyone who might be in the 'cage' with me.
Enter: the potential creep(PC).
I had made it nearly halfway across when I spotted a man walking towards me from the opening I was truckin' towards. He was like a man straight from one of those psychological thrillers; pale, bald, wearing head-to-toe leather and carrying either a big stick or a pipe. I'm usually not concerned about folks I run by because 1.) I'm usually running in the opposite direction, 2.) they're usually out walking their dogs, 3.) There's usually someone else in the vicinity and 4.) I'm usually not in a cage!!! I immediately got angry for not having my mace (even though I hate the thought of having it because I KNOW I'll just get myself in the face and not who it's intended for blahblahblah...). It's moments like this that I'm glad I have my sunglasses... PC can't tell where I'm looking so it's easy to watch for any sudden movements (look at me being tough). As PC came closer I worked on getting his stats ie, facial features, approx. height/weight etc. And as my analogy was nearly complete, the PC rose his hand at me and exclaimed, "Good morning!"
Whew. And then a glance over my shoulder after I passed to make sure I was a good distance away before I relaxed.

What did I learn?
I no longer assume everyone has good intentions. I used to...but I don't know what happened.
Mace? I still don't want to carry it. Guess I didn't learn anything.

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