Thursday, April 28, 2011

I've heard it said...

"After the race, I mused on marathon running...and how it provides males with insight into another exception, the experience of childbirth. In both cases, marked agony and exhaustion are subsumed by such lasting gratification that you are moved to repeat the process."
Jerome Groopman in The Boston Marathon, by Joe Falls
Haha! This makes me smile...only because I believe a man will never know the agony and exhaustion of childbirth but I do understand how one would experience such gratification that they feel they must do it again. It is pure craziness! That we would do these tough things over and over again, knowing the pain and stress we'd endure...and the prize at the end is much more than much more.

I've heard it said that you run faster and push harder when you're running with others. Well, I wasn't running with others this morning but I was being 'followed' by another runner on the same sidewalk. She was slowly gaining on me but it took her the entire first mile to catch me. I was happy when I looked down at my watch to spy the numbers 9:34. WOOT!
Now I knew my time would go down from there because I do not wish to 'catch' or keep up with this gal. I'm not competitive in that way. But I did push myself harder for a second mile that timed out at 10:22 and a third mile at 10:35. I was excited because I found myself in a chilly headwind! No, I wasn't excited about the headwind itself, I was excited that I still had those times while fighting the headwind!

I've heard it said(not from a professional) that running slow and feeling more pain vs. running fast with less pain makes sense. I found that to be mostly true today. I ran virtually pain free...but my lungs were DEAD by the end. In my opinion, it has to do with form. Of course you're strides will be different if you run slower...of course your foot strikes will be different...of course your upper body will compensate in different ways and of course it will take you longer to cover your mileage. OF COURSE!

I've heard it said that you should be careful about what or if you eat before a workout. This is a mistake I made yesterday that nearly resulted in my upchucking chips and salsa all over the treadmill. Melissa was kind enough to remind me that chips and salsa 45minutes before a run/workout probably wasn't the best idea...BUT I WAS STARVING!

What I mean is WEIGHT. As in, my WEIGHT is WAITING...for what, I dunno. But it's waiting to go anywhere. And I wish it would just leave. There's got to be a better place for it than on my hips and stomach. I mean, what fun is it to be covered up and ashamed of? If I were the fat on my body I'd leave all the time because it's been made very apparent that I'm not wanted. I mean, it makes everything in life harder. Running, fitting into my clothes, bending over to touch my irks me to know that, at one time, I could put my face to my knees...but I can't now because my belly chub is in the way. BLAH. And the moment that I decide I will or won't eat this or that, I get ambushed from all sides. "Where's my defense?!" I cry. Today I was presented with a Starbucks card and a chocolate/carmel/choc.chip covered candy apple from my boss. And a patient brought home made caramels. Why?! Karma? Murphy's Law? Sheer irony? This is a sick, sick game I play. Here's why it's sick. I rarely over eat (but sometimes its just soooo good)...I suffer through rice cakes with peanut butter, an apple nearly every day for lunch with a turkey sandwich made with one slice of bread, and cheese stick for a mid-day snack. Dinners have usually been chicken and rice (in many different forms) or something full of veggies and goodness. Snacks are usually oranges or something small and NOT chocolatey. I'm averaging 15 miles a week and I've seen no movement in that damn fat. It's not like I'm feeding it to keep it around!!! But I dream of the day that I will be fat-less and will be able to run easier. Part of my desire to be a runner is to also LOOK like a runner.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Confirmation and things

"Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and celebrate the journey."
-- Fitzhugh Mullan

I received my confirmation email this morning for Bloomsday! I'll be starting in the yellow group again with bib# 4071. I should mention that even though I start in the yellows does not mean I finish in the yellows. What I'm saying is, I get passed by so many folks that start in the colors behind me that I don't understand why I keep getting placed where I do...but I'm okay with it. I'd rather not go 'backwards' in color but I do hope to someday start in the Brown...but in order to do that, I have to either finish this year with a time of less than, I think, 1:13 OR I have to run next year's St. Paddy's in such a way to use my time as a qualifier of sorts. I basically have to have proof that I can run 7 miles in less than 1:13. I really don't think that will happen this year because, as it is, I'm averaging 11 minute miles on my 3 and 4 mile runs...can I keep that pace up for an additional 3 to 4 miles AND maybe faster? I don't mean to be a nay-sayer but HELLLS NO!

But I'll try!!!!

I should also make note of a piece of that confirmation email: "When picking up your race packet this weekend, please go to the check-in table marked Female 29-31 A-K." What? Go where? I never have gone to the 'front of the line'! All my life I've lived at the bottom of alphabetical lists and always stood near the end of the line in elementary school. Except for those random days where the teacher would feel 'spunky' and grant the wishes of all those kids that are last to be first by making the end of the line the new beginning. But of course, it only lasted for a short time and back to the end of the line we went... I thank my handsome hubs for the new status. I am now an A-K and not a Q-Z!

Weather report as of 1:50pm today for Bloomsday: Sunny and 60 degrees. Lets hope it stays that way because I'm not sure I can handle 7 miles of stinging rain like I experienced this morning.
And thanks to the street signs along Riverside this morning announcing the temporary 'NO PARKING ZONE' for reminding me that the run is literally right around the corner!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Sunday Runday

It fulfills my need to dance. Don't worry, I know the difference between a need and a want and yes, I need to dance. kills my legs for my long runs on Sundays. So I may end up doing some revamping...maybe Zumba on Monday nights and my swim on Saturdays? But then my legs won't get to rest until Friday...which I'm sure isn't a great idea. Sheesh...this is hard when there's something fun I want to do in the middle of all the things I need to do! Don't be confused. I still need to dance, but I want to fit it in with what I need to do for actual training. hmmm... Also, who wouldn't want to continue to do something like this when they start getting compliments from both the instructor and the ladies around them? I'm not bragging but it's really fun when you're told that people watch you when they can't see the's a real compliment! woot!

Easter Sunday Runday
was great! The only 'issue' I ran into was a time crunch (and some soreness from Saturday's Zumba). I needed to fit a 4 mile run in a 40 minute slot...but I'm not running 10 minute miles right now so how is that going to work? Well, lets fudge...I'll just run for 40 minutes then and we'll see how far I go! I figure I still had 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile to go when my time was up...but all I had left was a really big hill so I'm not terribly bummed that I missed it. Just being honest.

A blessing and a potential creep
I realize that as I go further and further I'll be running the Bloomsday course in the mornings. This means running through the notorious West Central Neighborhood early. 'Early' is the time when evening dwellers decide to call it a night...and we cross paths. The first on this run was a gal at the top of the Maple Street Bridge stairway (between College and Broadway). Once I spotted her dark clothing, ripped nylons and hunched body language I had made up my mind that I should take an ear bud out just in case she said something while I passed. My first thought was that maybe she'd have something rude to say...or maybe she'd ask me for money...or both (I've had that happen). But as I approached, she turned and looked at me from under her fringey bleach blond and pink locks with a sort of smile. I said, "Good morning" with as much energy as I could muster between breaths and she responded with a shockingly chipper, "Happy Easter!"
Shortly after, I was huffing it across the Maple Street Bridge. This chunk of sidewalk has the potential for intense creepiness. You're surrounded by a cage protecting you from traffic and the river below but the combination of graffiti and my imagination reminds me that I'm not protected by anyone who might be in the 'cage' with me.
Enter: the potential creep(PC).
I had made it nearly halfway across when I spotted a man walking towards me from the opening I was truckin' towards. He was like a man straight from one of those psychological thrillers; pale, bald, wearing head-to-toe leather and carrying either a big stick or a pipe. I'm usually not concerned about folks I run by because 1.) I'm usually running in the opposite direction, 2.) they're usually out walking their dogs, 3.) There's usually someone else in the vicinity and 4.) I'm usually not in a cage!!! I immediately got angry for not having my mace (even though I hate the thought of having it because I KNOW I'll just get myself in the face and not who it's intended for blahblahblah...). It's moments like this that I'm glad I have my sunglasses... PC can't tell where I'm looking so it's easy to watch for any sudden movements (look at me being tough). As PC came closer I worked on getting his stats ie, facial features, approx. height/weight etc. And as my analogy was nearly complete, the PC rose his hand at me and exclaimed, "Good morning!"
Whew. And then a glance over my shoulder after I passed to make sure I was a good distance away before I relaxed.

What did I learn?
I no longer assume everyone has good intentions. I used to...but I don't know what happened.
Mace? I still don't want to carry it. Guess I didn't learn anything.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Table Topics

 Here's a few that I thought to be interesting....


-- Chocolate. In all forms. Right now? Chocolate covered the ones you find at yummy coffee shops and deli's. yum.


--Oh...well, the extra baggage I carry...on my thighs, belly... darn that chocolate!


--No. I love the anticipation of Autumn. Along with the kiddos going into the new year of school, fall is like a beginning for me. The air begins to become crisp, leaves begin to turn, I begin to wear more layers of clothing...I envision curling up to a good book and a blanket and hot chocolate or coffee. Devine!


--Physically I'd say it was training for and completing the Seattle to Portland bike ride. It was such a significant thing that I hated my bike for 3 months afterwards. I'm still kind of afraid of it. Emotionally it was standing up for myself against some of my family members, thus driving a very deep wedge...but I wouldn't change either of those things.


--I had a floppy bunny that was lost when a family member defaulted on paying for our storage unit. I don't know why the memory of that bunny remains so clear. But I do look for it every time I see used toys or a garage sale. Maybe one day...


--Well, when I was single, I wanted a quiet life of safety. I felt I had no one to lean on if things got difficult...I felt I had no one in which to share my adventurous side. But now that I'm married, I'd like a little more adventure and uncertainty BECAUSE I have someone to lean on and share with.


-- I'd actually say it's ME. In comparison, I share almost nothing in common with my family. Our beliefs aren't the same, our hobbies aren't the's strange, really. Half of the things I do cause my family to say, "WHY in the world would you do that?!"


-- A verse. My life verse. Once I find it I plan for it to find its way on the underside of my forearm. I haven't told Bobby about that yet tho.


-- My Aunt JoAnn. I only met her once that I can remember before she passed. Somehow I still feel connected to her. I don't remember much but I do remember the way it felt to be in her home. Very welcomed. I just wish I knew her.


-- The 60's. There is a huge part of me that would have liked the whole free love, hippie movement. I may be romanticizing the whole idea of hippies and all that goes along with it...but I think I would have been an awesome flower child!

Vacation is horrible...

for your running schedule.

This is a lesson I learned this weekend.
Bobby and I got the chance to get away to Lincoln City with Jon and Tara for the weekend. I thought I had done all my homework...I gave myself the 'ok' ahead of time to not run on Saturday so I could enjoy the entire day of relaxation and adventure, I had intended to map out a run and, while out and about on Saturday I had spied a good paved trail along the beach. I did make sure I packed my shoes, glasses, visor, Road ID and various layers for my Sunday Runday... the one that didn't happen. Now, I had every intention for it to happen but all four of us slept in and before I knew it, we were all up and in the car heading home. It had crossed my mind that I should dress for a run and then have Jon pull over to let me out on the road and wait for me 1 mile later. I thought this would be a fun/funny way to get it all in...but that gave way to the guilt I'd feel for making them wait for me. So I succomed to the inevitable and sat for 10 hours all the while downing yummy treat after yummy, rich, chocolatey, sometimes salty and waaaay bad for me treat. And I liked it.

I made up the run today though. And I must say that I usually take my time and assume the pace of a ____________ (fill in the blank with anything that is of the slower kind) but today I was competing with the forces of nature. Sun, snow, wind, sun, snow, sun, snow... I found myself carefully planning my entry into the weather like a kid in a double-dutch match. Feeling the rhythms and judging the speed of the looming clouds... I failed. The first half of the run was sunny and lacking in the breeze-ness...but once I turned around, I literally faced my impending doom in the form of a really creepy looking cumulus cloud. On the plus side, the knowledge that I'd be plastered with whatever that cloud contained caused a shift into high gear. I ended up finishing 2 minutes faster than I had anticipated...but for 10 or so minutes, I still suffered the wrath of our random snow clouds.

Today was a good make-up day. My legs feel worked and nothing hurts. Woot!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

first 3 and a singing heart

"At least 99 percent of running is just showing up, getting out there and putting one foot in front of the other."

One thing I have to keep in mind when it's raining outside is, I'M TRAINING FOR A RUN IN PORTLAND which means, I need to get out and run in the rain as much as possible just in case the weather gods decide on a little liquid sunshine for the big day. I'd like to say that my Sunday Runday in the rain was for this specific reason but it was actually due to procrastination. It was nice and sunny in the morning...before life the time that I'm supposed to be running... whatever--I got it done, right?

For this one, I scoped out a run I'd been wanting to do down tree lined streets and around Cannon Hill park. It seemed quiet enough with sidewalks the whole way and grandmas and grandpas out doing yard work here and there. The thing I'd change is the few insanely steep hills along that three miler... luckily they only lasted the span of one block. Other than the fact that this was my first 3 miler on my schedule and that I had completed a new route, nothing was too noteworthy...except that I spied a good friend Nikki driving by while packing up my car to head home. With a quick wave and a smile, she disappeared around the bend. It was a good day!

I'm really, really loving the morning runs. Despite my weekend rants about them, I love them on the weekdays. They get me moving for the day and I'm so glad to know that I have the rest of the day to do whatever because my run is done, hun! This morning I had a 2.5 miler due. Last night when I went to bed, I wasn't sure how motivated I'd be but fortunately for me, my internal clock decided that 4am was a good time to wake up and stay up. Awesome. So it was relatively 'easy' for me to head out the door at 5:30. The best part of this run was not the run itself but the fact that as I walked up our front steps I found Bobby opening the door to welcome me back home. He gave me a quick hug and smooch, prayed over the day with me and took off to work while I took to stretching. THIS was the perfect run. My heart sings!

Friday, April 8, 2011

icky sicky

hmmm...loved the run on Tuesday, but no run on Wednesday or Thursday due to a really fun head cold! Today is my 'normal' day off and I'm keeping it that way. For now, I'm enjoying some things that make me happy...

nom nom nommm...

And from my new favorite cartoonist Natalie Dee...

This almost makes me want to do my own dishes....almost. 

Brontosaurus. He's my favorite. But apparently the experts say he's a fraud. Poor Brontosaurus. You still exist in my heart.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

life, aches, and a dog

I had posted a few days ago a list of reasons to run in the morning. One big reason is because life happens. Apparently, it happens less in the morning...or, maybe there's not enough time for life to happen at that time of day. Maybe life sleeps in.... That is why one should run in the morning. Life hasn't started yet and/or it hasn't had time to wake up to take up the rest of your day. I have come to the conclusion that mornings are amazing. They are quiet and remain uncluttered. Life on the other hand, is NOT always my friend. It is the stealer of time and sanity. But I admit, even with its faults, Life is amazing.

Sunday morning, I found that I had "nothing to do" until 2:30 pm except watch a flag-football game at 9. So instead of getting my run in before the game, I thought I'd go afterwards when it was a bit warmer and happened. Just like the experts said it would. Dang. So I thought then I'd make it up after church...then life happened again. Dang. Life won and Sunday Runday was temporarily postponed.

Monday's outcome was somewhat the same. The only difference is that I only had a 30 minute swim to do. But because of yesterday's lameness and desire for sleeping in, I thought I should make up my run, too...

I did nothing.

And it was great!

So this morning I was truly excited for my run. I had 2 miles to do and that was it. Venturing out earlier than normal at 5:30 am, I was welcomed by the crisp morning air after a night of drizzling rain. I do have to mention that Bobby (almost) surprised me by entertaining the thought of running with me. He said, "What would you do if I decided I wanted to go?" I said I'd be shocked, happy, excited etc... so imagine my enthusiasm when he got up at the same time as me...I thought he'd be dressing to run but when I turned around, I saw his bare bum hoping in the shower! "So, you're NOT going, then?" I playfully asked. My insides knew better...but pieces of me still held out hope.

This brings me to the fellow I witnessed running along the Monroe Street Bridge this morning. This man was of 'normal' height but I noticed that he was really, really skinny. I found this interesting because of the breed of dog he had with him...a greyhound. This reminded me of all the photos I've seen before that match dog to owner according to their looks...these two were a perfect match! And I was reminded how much I wanted my perfect match (a dog, people). Dogs don't care about the early mornings. Dogs don't care about the mileage you need to do that day. Dogs are mostly more excited than we'll ever be to run and dogs never say no....sigh. Someday....