Wednesday, February 23, 2011


"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being." -Carl Jung

In conversation with my Bible Study gals last night regarding the purpose of our blogs, I thought maybe I should take a moment to define the purpose of this blog. Assuming anyone else would bother reading it (and if they do, apologies for the dull moments... no, I take that back. No apologies for the dull moments because those are still moments that count...somehow. Ü  )

My purpose for this blog is that it gives an outlet or a venue in regards to my activities in which I can gather my thoughts and energies and maybe make fun of stereotypes and ironies along the way. These 'activities' are mostly made up of the active, running, exploring and learning kind with a little inspiration mixed in. I hope to inform, connect with, reflect and inspire both those that may read along and myself when and if I stray.

Reflection and inspiration are the two biggest reasons for writing though. I want to be able to look back and see what I've accomplished and/or where I stumbled and grown along this journey. I hope to inspire those who choose to follow along...if not for running, at least for finding and working towards a goal. Any goal.

My purpose for running is 1.) health 2.) affordability (minus race entry fees) 3.) it gives me an objective; to conquer something I've never really been 'good' at and making it a part of my daily/weekly life.

The whole idea of consciously having an objective is new to me too... I've never really felt that I was actively pursuing or working towards anything before. I just kind of 'did' things...never with the hope or desire for a certain outcome. How silly is that?! Certainly I cannot just sit back and let things happen around me and just be OK with it, can I? Should I? I think it's about time I sit down and look at the things I have going on in my life and say, "OK, where am I going with this? What would I like to see happen in say, 2 years? Is this something I should be putting my energy into? What is this purpose?" etc. etc. For now, I'll apply this thinkin' to runnin' and see where I go. Next, I'll tackle the rest of my life and all its daunting variables. One thing at a time.


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