Friday, February 18, 2011

Happy 2 Year Anniversary... my blog. Since I haven't actually written anything in TWO WHOLE YEARS.

That date 2 years ago basically marked the end of my initial triathlon loving, weight losing, single living "Imma do what I want" self. Why? Bobby.
Don't get me wrong, I love him to death and I'm so stinkin' happy he's in my life but my desire to get to know him KILLED my drive to be the most healthy and most active 'me' ever.
Daily morning workouts at the gym were replaced by long nights just hanging out with him and his friends while weekend trips, training rides/runs and swims quickly turned into activities that resembled more of the lounging kind. Before I knew it, I had increased my weight bearing capacity to such a degree that it rivaled my pre Weight Watchers self. By the time our 'Big Day' came along however, I was able to drop about 10 lbs to fit nicely into my dress. Unfortunately, that didn't last long and here I sit nearly 6 months later with that extra 10 and maybe a wee bit more.
I'm not going to blame the whole bit on my own self here. There were some sacrifices made to put Bobby and I into a better financial 'place' those first few months. This included omitting both my gym membership and WW membership from our monthly budget. And I quickly found that doing this at the tail end of the fall season was probably not the smartest idea.

Disgruntled....dissatisfied....disappointed....DIS ain't workin' for me!

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