Thursday, September 18, 2008

MS 150

Two weekends ago, my co-workers and I took part in the MS 150 on the Trail of the CD'A's (75 miles each day). Since the STP, we decided it would be great to keep up with our riding and challenging ourselves with these longer rides while raising money for good causes. Two gals at our gym (Global) informed us of this ride and we decided to go for it. The problem though was that the $50 registration and a minimum of $250 donation was required to participate. We couldn't come up with the $300 each on our own, nor did we have much time to pick-pocket our buddies for donations. So we turned to our doctors at Oral Surgery Plus. They get to donate, put their names out there (tax-deductible) and we get to have our fun...and some pretty awesome jerseys supplied by the docs as well!

Cheryl, myself, Michelle and Diane.
"Proudly powered by Oral Surgery Plus"

Cheryl and Diane along the trail.

And again at a random bike shop along the way...
Dinner was provided by the CD'A Casino

The story behind this one: Negative Nancy showed up we saved her a seat at our table for dinner.

Konni and Jayme joined us for dinner and fun after day 1.

All done with breakfast (again, provided by the casino) and ready to hit the trail with Kelly Niles and Traci Fontaine.

It really was THAT much fun!

As a review, this was an amazing experience. It was very well supported with Wheelsport and Bicycle Butler there for repairs. Stops all along the way for fuel and rest. The organizers and volunteers were the friendliest I've encountered yet and the fun stuff we walked away with far outshined the STP. We were given nice jerseys and a participants medal, Saturday's lunch and dinner were taken care of for us as well as breakfast and lunch AND dinner on Sunday. The only frustration I had all weekend didn't have anything to do with the ride at all but with another 1st Annual ride that had been scheduled for the same weekend...Spokanes' Spokefest. While it is a great way to get folks out enjoying their bikes, I'd like to see the money...or something...go to a good cause instead of outshining one. Just a thought.


  1. Sounds like you had a blast. I am pretty sure you are nuts for doing two 150+ mile rides.

    I still remember all of you talking about STP and a few of them getting their new bikes. Pretty cool you guys stuck with it.

    Tell the girsl I said HI.

  2. Thanks for sharing the summer high points. We missed having you around you're such a hoot. Camp looked fun. Even if it did rain. Some of my most memorable camps were in the rain. Ready for training! Jay and I are in for the IM this year and will be doiung some long rides. It could be fun.
    Running is still a pain. But, we'll get past it soon enough.

    Michelle and Jay

  3. Hey nice work! So how can we get cool jerseys for STP '09 - I love the ones from OSP!!! Nice colors too!

    Great seeing you at Adam's party - I can't make it to the meeting on Wednesday but hope to see you SOON!

  4. That's a long way to ride birthday buddy. It inspires me, but not quite enough to want to ride that far ... yet.
