Thursday, September 18, 2008

Malibu 2008

Another fantastic week at camp!
It rained the entire week…ok, not the entire week. We had one day of sun. Well, sorta sun. But we were blessed with the company of some girls with great attitudes and they took advantage of every moment, stopping only with hopes of finding some dry clothes.

We are the Malibu Army. Yea, tough all-right! (dressed for a volleyball competition that is not about volleyball at all)

Kayloni, Mackenzie and I…showin’ off our biceps…

The aftermath of our obstacle course. The only time you’ll encounter high school girls excited about getting muddy and wet and stinky. I only wish I had a picture of all of them. Intense!

A few of us before the beloved zipline

The lady leaders enjoying respite from the rain before our fancy dinner.

Super sunshine…the day we left.
Toby, Kayloni, Mackenzie, Myself and Tyler (who is a lot taller than he appears here)

As always, it was a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Your Polka Dot dress is very cute... we need to create a night out so you can wear it again! :) I'm sure Tyler didn't either want his head shopped off in the picture or being the tallest of all you short people! :)
