Monday, December 26, 2011

Who'd A Thought?

It's the day after Christmas and I've finally found a wee bit of time after the hustle and bustle of the season to express what I've been thinking and feeling for the last two and a half months!

Thanksgiving Day was the day we let the world know that we are expecting...but Bobby and I have known since about a week before Halloween! The thing I wish I had done in those early weeks was document the oddities, excitedness and super-human bodily functions. The changes, the feelings, the nerves and maybe just the thought of it all were so beautiful and sometimes humerous...but because it was not shared, I fear it has been lost...well, some things will stick with me as I am still in shock that these 'oddities' can happen. So here I am, taking a moment to get this documentation rolling...with the title of "Who'd a thought?"

- That instincts would tell me what I know before a tiny prego test will?
- That I ran a marathon with a baby in my belly?
- That bloating could get that bad?
- That, even in the 14th week, it still feels unreal?
- That I would have some crazy* Korean traditions thrown at me this soon?
- That there are actually people out there that will not be happy for you?
- That there are people that would be genuinely upset that I'm not finding out the sex?
- That unwanted advice is ever-present and found in abundance?
- That I would be a 'lucky one' and feel very little to zero morning sickness?
- That I actually dislike it when others play the prego card for me ("oh be careful, you're pregnant!", "make sure you don't do that, you're prego!" etc etc.) hint: let me decide!
- That it would be so fun figuring out things like disposable or cloth diapers?
- That my first baby purchase would be old-fashioned wood alphabet blocks?
- That coffee isn't something I seek out any more?
- That I would be chomping at the bit to exercise and run like I used to?
- That I would be gassier than a Chevron tanker truck?
- That Bobby would laugh at said gassy-ness?
- That I now dream of family trips and outings and all the things we could do together?
- That Bobby and I discuss dreams and values for our family?
- That at this time next year we will have a 6 month old for Christmas?

*crazy, meaning nothing I'd ever heard of in my upbringing as a typical white girl.

So those are some of the thoughts me, there's many more!

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