Saturday, December 31, 2011

pulling the plug and plugging in!

It's 7:30 am on New Years Eve...a Saturday...and I am embarrassed to say that I sit here, surrounded by technology. I'm on the middle cushion of my couch and I have a laptop sitting on, well, my lap, an IPOD and IPAD to my right, my cell phone to my left and a flat screen directly in front of me. You see, 5 years ago this would be far from the truth as I had no IPOD, no computer (all computer use was done at work), and no TV...I basically had a radio and I was darned proud of this seemingly defiant way of living.

So over the last few months, I've been realizing my life revolves too much around this technology. I have been bugging Bobby for a few weeks now that I need a good radio and the reason for this is to blast the music that inspires me so much to do things other than sit and stare at pieces of techno-world. Now I know my first line of defense would have been to not marry an Asian...but I couldn't help it!

So here I am, battling.

I made the decision today to break myself from Facebook (gasp) for an undisclosed amount of time...maybe forever? That's a stretch I know, but I can dream, right? I found myself too involved in what people said or posted or did not say or post...which is silly to me. To find your worth in another person's activity on a social website is absolutely absurd!!! So instead of being a big girl and deciding not to care, I pulled the plug.

The benefits to this are numerous. I feel I will be free both at home and at work to be more productive. I have always loved to be crafty but now-a-days I find myself staring at the TV or the computer, numbing my mind instead of putting my mind to work in creative ways. I will be forced to converse with those around me about what is new in their lives instead of finding out on Facebook. Secretly, I hope this happens to me, too, that folks would check in with me a little more often instead of letting social networking do all the work. There is a basic need for relationship and I may be going out on a limb here, but I believe we are destroying this one basic need through our desire for technology and social networking.

So I bet you're wondering then, why I'm still blogging? Well blogging, to me, is like a journal. Of course I save the crazy rants for my actual journal...but it gives me an outlet without overwhelming my mind with the craziness of networking and also allows people like my mother (who lives way too far away) to see pictures and what-not of our family. Which reminds me, I have to download pictures!

I do have to give props where they are due, however. God has really gotten a hold of my heart and opened my eyes to many things. I hope I can use this here blog to document those but for the most part, I am being challenged to quit all that is consuming my mind, talent, energy and emotions and to focus on the One that really matters. He's been so good to me and I have taken much for granted...this new idea is not necessarily a New Year's resolution type thing but a thought that has been nagging me for months that needs I miss my God and the closeness that we used to have. So I have taken some time over the past few weeks during the holidays to remember what life used to be like...what I used to do and where I used to go to be/feel/live closer to God. This is one thing I remember learning way back when I first met Christ...I was told that when you feel far away from Him, remember the days when you were close, remember the time you first felt Him and try to go back there...either physically or in your mind. Remember...and go back. Back to before life got hectic and priorities changed. And then make the necessary changes.

My first changes? Dedicate time for God...schedule things AROUND this time...and listen to His word. For me, this means music and worship and secluded PB&J time. I hear and feel most when I am surrounded by the beauty of music specifically about God and in a place where I am not distracted by folks I know. I'm going back...and I'm really excited!!!!

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