Friday, June 10, 2011

skip more

I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things.... I play with leaves.  I skip down the street and run against the wind.  I never water my garden without soaking myself.  ~Leo F. Buscaglia, Bus 9 to Paradise

I think skipping could be the answer to many of our adult health problems.  ~Jeanne, as posted on

If you've lost your enthusiasm, there's no better place to find it than on a skipping excursion.  And, you might just find your lost youth as well!  ~Jessi Lane Adams

I found myself skipping down the middle of my street yesterday and in an instant, I was giddy as a little kid. Of course there were other people around me...and wouldn't you know they looked at me like I was an idiot. An idiot they loved, but still an idiot. So the question arose...
"Why not skip?" 

The feelings I felt brought up a fond memory of mine. I used to be a greeter (don't laugh) at a local casino (of course I did other things! don't be silly) and I used to work closely with the security guards that would stand at each entrance. One in particular, Richard...aka Dick (yes, it's worth mentioning that I am/was slightly immature at that time and found it hard to call him by his preferred name...I still don't understand why anyone would do that). Dick was a 70+ yr. old, quick-as-a-whip man that always had a fun/funny story to tell. Honestly, the relationship I had with him was very similar to a grandpa/granddaughter...he looked after me and I looked up to him...not always for advice though because he more often than not, he had something feisty to say that would most likely get me in trouble. 

One day, I found Dick to be standing at the south end of the building and particularly moody. His chatter was cut a bit short and the light was lost from his face. When I inquired as to the problem, "What's with the long face?" a grumbly grouchy answer is what I got (I don't recall the details of his issue...but I think it was something to do with his boss...this was usually the case) I don't like to brag about myself but to this day, I am still impressed with my own actions...
At this time in the building of this casino, there were revolving glass doors on the south end of the building. We'd often find multiple people twirling round and round in them, eventually spitting themselves out with enormous smiles on their faces. Remembering this, a light bulb went on in my head. I casually walked over to the doors, knowing that Dick's curious eyes were following me. I threw myself at the doors with gusto and round and round I went. I didn't realize at the time what this would do to my mood but I was elated! Who'd have thought that revolving doors would give you the giddies? So I marched up to Dick and presented a challenge..."your turn". 
"What?! I'm not going through those doors!", he snorted.
"Sure you are! It'll brighten your mood, I guarantee it!" I said.
By this time, his face lit up a little. You could tell that he was debating... keep his cool card or do what he thinks would be funny. So I pressured him. 
"DO IT". 
He giggled (yes, 70 year olds still giggle...which makes me happy) "NO! I'm not going through those doors!" 
"Just go around twice...see what happens." 
He hesitated...but this told me I was getting to him. The next thing I knew, he uncrossed his arms marched toward the doors and round and round he went! Once, twice, three times! And like all the other folks we've seen, he spat himself out with an enormous smile on his face. Walking back to me he says, "I can't believe you made me do that." 
"What do you mean? I didn't make you do anything.", I quipped. "But it worked, didn't it?" 
I was as happy as a bird with a french fry...and I'm convinced he was too.

I hope to always remember this story and hold it dear to my heart. It amazes me the adults I run into that have lost their childlike abilities. I don't know if this is something we can blame our society for or not but for me, I want to remember the simple joys in life and never take for granted how these little things can make others feel. 

So for no reason, skip! Roll around in the grass! Sing Disney songs with your friends and for heaven's sake, take a trip around the revolving glass doors for once! Your heart will thank you. 

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