Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Adventures with wax paper

This morning I got up with the idea of baking cookies. I had all the ingredients needed, and my new(ish) mixer to do the work for me. We're talking your standard Toll House chocolate chip cookies. Nothing fancy or anything.
(So it should be noted that Ali inspired me to make chocolate covered Oreos one night while we sat around making cake balls (yum). So the next time I went to the store, I made sure to pick up some wax paper "for easy clean up".)
Once the ingredients were all mixed and the oven warmed, I had this 'bright' idea to use the wax paper on top of the cookie know, for 'easy clean up'. So I piled the cookies on and stuck them in the oven. Within minutes my teeny tiny kitchen was clouded with smoke and I was left scrambling to not set off smoke alarms. I quickly swept the cookies from the oven and ran to open each window and door in the house to allow air to flow through all the while being frustrated that I cannot even get this darned thing right!
After transferring the cookies to a clean, no wax paper sheet, I texted my baker friend Tara. "Can one not bake cookies on wax paper? My kitchen smells like cookies and burnt crayons" She replied with information that should be on the box of wax paper..."one CAN bake on wax paper... But it is a special baking wax paper..." that I apparently did not possess. To my defense, I did check the box and it does say that it can be used for baking for 'easy clean up'. I guess maybe they should specify what KIND of baking, perhaps?
And now? The wax paper is forever sentenced to the 'easy clean up' of my countertops only. I apologize to all those who live in my building for stinkin' up the place at 9am.
Though I am no longer convinced that my smoke alarm actually works....


  1. Oh Gosh! You should try Parchment Paper next time...but great story to laugh at!
    I usually use the wax paper to put things on to cool.. or for the melted chocolate for strawberries and cake balls, and even the pecans. But for oven, get parchment paper!
