Thursday, May 19, 2011

Favorite Things

because I didn't feel like writing about the same ol' stuff and because I, for some reason, think anyone who reads this might be interested. Lucky you!


because for some reason, I see them everywhere. You might say, "Of course you see them everywhere because they ARE everywhere." But I mean I SEE them. They don't just fade into the mundane-ness of everyday happenings for me...and I love that!


because it gives me something to do while the hubs plays video games or dabbles with the computer...and it makes me feel smart.


I have no explaination for this...which leads me to wonder if one is even needed?


because life lessons are fun to learn from someone who's not trying teach you anything.

BOB fm

"80's, 90's and whatever!"

and last but not least...

because this morning it hit me that I am truly enjoying what I am doing!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Adventures with wax paper

This morning I got up with the idea of baking cookies. I had all the ingredients needed, and my new(ish) mixer to do the work for me. We're talking your standard Toll House chocolate chip cookies. Nothing fancy or anything.
(So it should be noted that Ali inspired me to make chocolate covered Oreos one night while we sat around making cake balls (yum). So the next time I went to the store, I made sure to pick up some wax paper "for easy clean up".)
Once the ingredients were all mixed and the oven warmed, I had this 'bright' idea to use the wax paper on top of the cookie know, for 'easy clean up'. So I piled the cookies on and stuck them in the oven. Within minutes my teeny tiny kitchen was clouded with smoke and I was left scrambling to not set off smoke alarms. I quickly swept the cookies from the oven and ran to open each window and door in the house to allow air to flow through all the while being frustrated that I cannot even get this darned thing right!
After transferring the cookies to a clean, no wax paper sheet, I texted my baker friend Tara. "Can one not bake cookies on wax paper? My kitchen smells like cookies and burnt crayons" She replied with information that should be on the box of wax paper..."one CAN bake on wax paper... But it is a special baking wax paper..." that I apparently did not possess. To my defense, I did check the box and it does say that it can be used for baking for 'easy clean up'. I guess maybe they should specify what KIND of baking, perhaps?
And now? The wax paper is forever sentenced to the 'easy clean up' of my countertops only. I apologize to all those who live in my building for stinkin' up the place at 9am.
Though I am no longer convinced that my smoke alarm actually works....

Saturday, May 7, 2011


While I do have a weird love for ketchup/catsup, whatever/however you want to call it, this time around the word is merely a funny way of saying, "hey, I forgot to post this week so I'm going to play catch up."

Get it?

Lets start with Bloomsday. So far it was/is my longest run of the season at a 12k distance. I had high hopes of completing the distance in under 1:20...which didn't happen and I can largely blame my nutrition...or lack thereof... and the hills along the course. I'm starting to think now that 2 days worth of pizza for over half of my meals probably isn't the way to carbo load for me. Now it's not like I was a glutton about it as I only had one piece a meal...except Saturday nights' dinner...Veraci...there's no way to eat just one piece. And the hills? Not like I didn't know they were there! How many Bloomsdays have I ran? Sheesh. Well, my mind said I could do it (because I have before) but my mind couldn't convince my legs. No way, no how. So I settled for 1:26:22. I also can't help but wonder if the extra weight I managed to pack back on to this 5'4'' frame has anything to do with fact, I'm sure it does. I'm thinkin' it might be easier to run if my thighs didn't look like tree trunks and my badonka-donk didn't look like a tonka truck. But hey, I'm working at it. Slowly but surely.

I decided this year to not run with my IPOD. I thought I'd try it to see if I could get through without going crazy with my own thoughts. My morning runs are always done without the ear buds but my gym workouts and evening runs are not. So there I stood, in the middle of the yellows waiting for our start when I notice I am next to a father and daughter yakking away about something...and I notice dad's tone. Very complainy. I know "complainy'' is not a word but that's how he was. I realized that his negativity was contagious and quickly wished I had my ear buds to drown him out. Yuk. But throughout the rest of the race, not having my IPOD was wonderful! I saw things with my ears that I never paid attention to before like the appreciation showed to those who've run all 35 Bloomsdays (noticeable by their commemorative tank tops), parents reminding their kiddos that they can do it, the cheers from those on the sidelines and the great music I would have otherwise missed. Not to mention the joy that I was filled with for a good 5 minutes after passing a worship band. There's something about that music that always fills me...too bad I couldn't hear them the whole course...maybe I would have had a better time?
All in all it was a good day for a run. The sun really pulled through for us and the temp was just right.
I do have to figure out my nutrition though. For some reason, I found myself feeling half-dead about an hour after I completed the race. My eyes became droopy, my stomach ill and my head unable to process what I was hearing. I had to sit after 1 minute of standing for fear of fainting. I have no solid answer as to what triggered it but I have a theory that it has to do with the Boost energy drink I had within a half-hour of the race. I will be experimenting with that one and crossing my fingers that I don't suffer the same discomfort. Thanks to Jon and Tara who were willing to drive me home so I didn't pass out in the car! 2 hours of sleep later and I was left with only a sour tummy for the rest of the day. It boggles my brain.

I was able to complete all of my workouts (except for my Monday swim...due to life happening) and my best run was Thursday morning. Tuesday I still suffered from a slightly sore quad from the race so it made my run awkward. Wednesday I did 2.5 on the treadmill and that is never fun (except for the fact that Melissa was right next to me doing the same thing!) and that is why Thursday was the best. I felt awesome, faster than normal and the morning air was light and not too crisp. It made me look forward to the runs I get to do in the summer mornings that require a t-shirt or tank top instead of long sleeved shirts and pants. Plus, there's more people out walking to work now so I have more people to greet "Good Morning!". It feels good!

All in all, it was a great week of workouts. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to "see" things more clearly on my runs and for making my schedule work so these things can happen. I am truly blessed to have these mornings to myself to think and pray.

Blessed duck!