Thursday, July 3, 2008


(Means: Pretty Young Things Something Something Something...?)

A few weeks ago, I joined a women’s slow-pitch softball league through Spokane Parks and Rec, thanks to some friends from my high school softball team seeking me out. I hadn’t thrown a ball since my senior year and the adjustment from fast-pitch to slow-pitch was amusing.

As we approach league tournament starting Tuesday the 8th, I thought I’d post the fun things I’ve witnessed thus far!

1. Spokane P&R has no problem making your team drive to a random Middle school field just outside Stateline, ID.

2. The Turnbull Truckers really aren’t the bunch of scary butch-like women you might think they are…well not ALL of them, anyway.

3. Team Spitfire has a player named Bob…and she drives her Harley wanna-be to the field.

4. Striking out in slow-pitch is humiliating.

5. Women are catty and they’ll bark at you any chance they get.

6. If you play softball, don’t tell people you live in Browne’s Addition and drive a Subaru. Nothing good will come of it!

7. Don’t let anyone discover you “do” triathlons…they automatically think you’re fast.

8. Pre game and post game food must be greasy and carbonated.

9. Being in a 3-way tie for 3rd in a league of 7 teams is not something to brag about.

10. One word: MULLETS.


  1. Hilarious post! Fun that you were able to join a team and meet some interesting people! I can only assume that PYTWLFS means "pretty young things with love for softball" but I've got some MUCH better words to throw in there! ;)

  2. Sounds like fun;
    Could be interesting. Do you need some Cow Bell:) LOL....
    Yeah that softball crowd is interesting. There are a lot of nice people though too. Have fun enjoy a different type of cross training.

    Michelle and Jay

  3. As I was clicking on here to post, I to was thinking "Hilarious Post". Who would have thought softball was so much more than swinging a bat and catching the ball. Sounds likes fun even if you have to drive out to the middle of nowhere.

  4. If you pitched fast, but said it was slow for you, would they allow it? That could help the team move up to solo posession of 3rd place.
