Thursday, November 17, 2011

logic and the heart

Logic tells me that "it's just a cat"...but my heart says she's been my buddy since I was 15...
No matter how much Salem longed for it, Misty never wanted anything to do with her.  Sassy girl.

I took Misty to the vet last night to find out my options for her, either a medication to stop vomiting and diarrhea or putting her down. She's been vomiting on and off for a while now but recently she's decided diarrhea is a good thing to add to her issues. If she were human, I'm sure she'd be gone by now with the symptoms she has. The vet said she has all the signs that point to a tumor inside her intestines and a CT scan would tell for sure...but I can't see spending $275 to tell me something I can't do anything about. They offered many tests($$$) and options(medication $$) but all pointed to the inevitable...her quality of life probably will not improve.   In hindsight, I probably should have just had them put her down last night while I was already there and in tears...but selfishly, I wanted a few more nights of cuddling. Bobby said he woke up last night to find me fast asleep with the Misters laying on my belly. I think this sight is what prompted him to consider at least trying medication. I, on the other hand, know that it won't put an end to the actual issue. So the humane thing to do is euthanasia. Now if I could just muster up the guts...

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