Monday, December 8, 2008

nothing better

There's nothing better than procrastination. Except when you're procrastinating getting the one thing done at work that isn't even work related. Then, you see, I'm here posting on my lovely blog about procrastinating about things not work related while at work. What an insane cycle.

Here' s what I'm dragging my feet on:


About every 6 weeks or so I get the opportunity to speak in front of 40-50 too-cool-for-school teenagers at our weekly Younglife club held in Medical Lake. Seems easy enough....or not. High schoolers are scary! I've thought that for the entire 8 years I've been leading Younglife there! I cannot get over it! I'm supposed to somehow take a story of mine, turn it into something funny or at least halfway interesting, add a story about this awesome guy named Jesus and bring it all together to make a point. I'm supposed to put it into words that "they can understand" which usually means leaving the KJV Bible at home...who really understands a book full of "thous" and "shalts" and "wilsts" anyway? And then I'm supposed to pray and end the night without puking on my shoes.

I remember coming to Younglife when I was in high school and I can honestly say that I don't remember one single complete message given by any of my leaders (there was this one time when one of my teachers demonstrated milking a cow. I still have no idea what this had to do with Jesus though). This comforts a way. If my topic of choice stinks, then they won't remember...but what about the Jesus part? It's been said "It's a sin to bore a child with the Gospel" so then what in the world am I thinking being okay with them forgetting what I have to say?

Now that I've convinced myself this thing needs my full attention, I should get to work. And then I should get to know, what I'm actually in the office and getting paid for.

Don't get me wrong, they're not ALL scary!


  1. Good word. It's good to see what wins when procrastination meets determination. I had a goal of reading the bible cover to cover by the time I was 18 (started late ... that was many years ago). On November 10th, I was only about halfway through. Being a notoriously slow reader, I spent nearly every spare moment, including the ones gained from skipping homework, but I got it done 13 minutes before midnight on November 19th. Talk about a close call.
    I'm not sure why, but your story reminded me of that. Keep on keepin on.

  2. We love how you give so selflessly,
    What a great thing you do. Sharing is one of those things with teens that's challenging. But, I think that if you keep it real to your "life experiences" and can find a way to wrap with God's love it's one of those things you never will forget. Keep up the work and work-work.

    M & J

  3. How did this go? Would love to hear what you decided to talk about! Hugs to you, girl!
