Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Something obvious about you: I’m a girl…that better be obvious.
Where were you born? California! McClellan? AFB
How long does it take you to get ready? Am I running late?
How many siblings? 1 older sister
Favorite type of music? It’s easier to explain that I don’t like rap.
Snow or Beach? Oh, beach…but I’d really like to go dog sledding someday!

What was the worst thing that happened to you today? Woke up this morning and remembered that I pulled my quad really bad in yesterday’s softball game.

Book you're reading now? A collection by C.S. Lewis
Something about you that many don't know: My only emergency visit was for a splinter in my rear.
When was the last time you felt so good that nothing else mattered? On my way home from Malibu (Younglife Camp in Canada)
How many animals do you have? 1, my cat Misty
Do you know a lot about cars? I know that I can’t fix them, but I can change my oil!
Do you feel comfortable in public with no shirt on? Now that would be awkward.
If you could do something crazy right now, what would it be? Well it wouldn’t be running around without my shirt…I’d love to zip through the canopies in Mexico again.
Are you a morning person or night owl? I'm the annoying one at 7 am.
What is your favorite childhood board game? Candyland

Do you collect anything? Hooded sweatshirts (unintentional)
Do you sleep with a light on? Only when I forget to turn it off
What is your biggest fear(s)? Jumping from a completely stable structure, guns
Do you drive the speed limit? yes
What is your favorite lie to tell? That I drive the speed limit.
What's the last movie you've seen? An overly-dramatic Jennifer Lopez movie
What are your hobbies? Anything crafty, Younglife, Triathlon/cycling
Your fav restaurant? Just one? No- RAW, Luna’s, Twigs and The Elk.
Pick a job: Lawyer, Bartender, Sports Writer, Art teacher? Art teacher- I loved my art teachers
Name something embarassing you did while drunk: I wasn’t really drunk, I only had 2 beers, I was on crutches though so it’s the same difference….I ran into a huge metal light post that created a loud ‘’DONG’’(you probably had to be there)
What is your favorite thing to do when you're bored? Sleep or read.
You're with a group of people and a couple of them start laughing, what about? I probably ran into something.
One thing you want that you can't buy with money. Youth…because I’m having fun right now!
Who is your favorite stand-up comedian? Jeff Dunham, those puppets are freakin’ hilarious!

Have you ever been in trouble with the police, and why? Well, kinda. Just after I graduated a big group of us could have been slapped with fines such as MIP’s, fishing w/o license, camping on beach, fire on beach, driving vehicle on beach….there were others but I can’t remember.
What movie genre would you choose? Comedy or Romantic Comedy
If you could be anywhere right now where would it be? Outside…anywhere
Can you cook harder things then spaghetti, pancakes, and macaroni and cheese? Thankfully, yes.
What is the one thing you hate most about yourself that you do often? Sarcasm…it’s a catastrophic success.


  1. I learned a lot about you - thanks for doing this post!

  2. Informative and entertaining. Can't get much better than that. Is that your kitten in the bowl of food?


    You are super hard core back to back sixties. Also enjoyed the info. lots of insight.
    Have a great weekend

    Michelle and Jay

  4. NICE!! Gotta love stories that involve drinking and crutches!
